F. CMC Marlin of the Year
Biggest Marlin in weight
Competition Dates:
F.1 The Competition starts on 1st June 2011 00h00 and ends on 31st May 2012 24h00.
Minimum Size of the Winning Marlin:
F.2 The first 3 Biggest Marlin (in weight) of any Species, caught within the starting and the finish time of this
Competition and caught in full accordance to the Rules of this Competition (as per Rules in paragraph F. and H.) and IGFA
Rules win.
Prize Sponsored by CMC:
F.3 A) To the Angler catching the biggest Marlin in weight, CMC will offer as prize, Fishing Tackle for the value of 2,500 Usd (two thousand five hundred USD).
B) To the Angler catching the 2nd biggest Marlin in weight, CMC will offer as prize, Fishing Tackle for the value of 1,000 Usd (one thousand USD).
C) To the Angler catching the 3rd biggest Marlin in weight, CMC will offer as prize, Fishing Tackle for the value of 500 Usd (five hundred USD).
G. CMC Marlin Jack-Pot
Winning Prize: Ford Car
Competition Dates:
G.1 The Competition starts on 1st June 2011 00h00 and ends on 31st May 2012 24h00.
Minimum Size of the winning Marlin:
G.2 The first marlin of any specie weighing 735 lbs or over, caught any time within the starting and finish time of this
Competition but caught in full accordance to the Rules of this Competition (as per the Rules in paragraphs G. and H.) and
IGFA Rules wins
Prize Sponsored by CMC:
G.3 To the winner of this Competition, CMC will donate, a Brand New FORD car, fully registered and ready to drive away.
H. CMC Marlin Challenge - 2011/2012 H. Additional Rules
H. Additional Rules
CMC Marlin Challenge - 2011/2012
CMC Marlin Challenge - 2011/2012 - Additional Rules
A. & B. CMC Marlin Challenge Prize Giving
The winning prizes of Competition F. and G. (see point F.3 & G.3) will be given to their respective winners within
45 days from the end of these competitions, during a special Prize Giving Event organized at DYC.
Qualifying Days and Catches for both Competitions:
H.1 Only week-ends, and Tanzanian public Holidays will be considered for both Competitions, unless specified otherwise
(see rule H.2).
H.2 Marlin caught outside week-end and outside Tanzanian Public Holidays, but caught during DYC General Monthly Fishing Competitions
(i.e. on the Friday of the Latham Open Fishing Competition, etc.) may qualify
for CMC Sponsored Competitions F. and G. only if this option is specified in the Rules of that specific DYC
General Monthly Fishing Competition and if the Marlin in question is caught in full respect of the Rules of that specific
DYC General Monthly Fishing Competition.
H.3 Week-end starts on Saturday at 00h00 and ends on Sunday 24h00.
H.4 A day is considered Tanzanian Public Holiday as published by the Association of Tanzania Employers or subject to
Government clarification and it is considered to commence at 00h00 and end at 24h00 of the same day
H.5 Fish caught and weighed outside these times and days (see rule H.1, H.2, H.3, H.4 ), do not qualify.
H.6 Fish MUST be weighed within the same day (days in case of week-ends) of their capture.
H.7 In order to have the catch validated, the following pictures or videos should be shown to DYC Fishing Secretary and CMC
appointed agent.   A)Some pictures or video of the angler fighting the marlin.   B)Some pictures or video with the marlin in
the water next to the boat.   C) Some pictures or videos focused on the head and the eyes of the just caught and just
landed Marlin. These pictures or videos must be shown immediately at the return, to the Fishing Secretary or to the person
appointed by DYC Fishing Secretary and to CMC appointed agent.
H.8 Some pictures of the fish hanging from DYC electronic scales and with no people or anglers touching the fish, MUST be
taken by DYC Fishing Section, witnessed by DYC Fishing Secretary and CMC appointed agent. In the picture the digital
weight of the fish should be visible on the scale, and next to the fish there should be the weigh master and the persons
who have validated the catch. Any other type of pictures or video not conforming to point H.7 and point H.8 will not qualify for
the validation of the catch.
H.9 Fishing anywhere in the national waters of Tanzania, but all boats reporting the catch must have left from Dar es
Salaam Yacht Club within the same day (days in case of week-ends) of the qualifying catch.
H.10 All fish must be weighed with DYC certified digtal scales by DYC Fishing Secretary only or by the weigh master appointed by DYC
Fishing Secretary for this purpose or they will not be considered valid for the competitions.
If this is not possible because of late/early hours, the fish should be stored in the cold room and wait to be weighed at the
arrival of the Weigh Master in charge.
H.11 Any protest must be made in writing to the Fishing Secretary and Fishing Section Committee only, within one hour
from the start of the dispute. No protest will be taken into consideration after this time.
H.12 Protest Fee:300.000 Tshs, refundable if the protest is found valid. (All fees and penalties will go to the Fishing
H.13 Any Participant found cheating with the intention of gaining any of the prizes offered for these two competitions,
him/her, the crew, any other person on board or any other person involved in the cheat, will be
charged a fine of 500 usd and he/she/they will be immediately expelled from DYC and all his/her/their past achievements
within the Fishing Section will be null and void, further their misconduct will be made public.
Qualifying Entries for both CMC Competitions
H.14 Both Competitions are open to all DYC Full Members, Temporary Members and pre-registered guests, s (smallfries,
juniors and adults, male and female) and to DYC registered Boats, or specified otherwise in case of a DYC
organized Monthly Fishing Competition (i.e. Latham Open, etc..).
H.15 Full Members and their Guests and Temporary Members can join at any time, but all competitors must have been
pre-registered (at least one day before the qualifying catch) at
DYC Office and copy of such registration sent to DYC Fishing Secretary or their catch will not be considered valid.
H.16 Each participants entrance fee is Tsh 25 000, payable to DYC Fishing Section and is valid for both CMC Sponsored
Competitions F. anf G.
H.17 Registration forms are available from DYC Fishing Secretary or DYC Office during working hours only..
H.18 All Participants must fully comply as well with Fishing Section Rules as per paragraphs 1., 5., 7., 8.
(see web site