Fishing Section
Year 2013
IGFA Member
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General Fishing Section Rules - Year 2013
2013 Fishing Section Rules
PDF Format
Nov 27 |
A. Monthly Mug Competition
A. Monthly Mug
A.1 The Competition starts on 01 Jan 2013 00h00 and ends on 31 Dec 2013 24h00.
A.2 This Competition is open only to DYC Full Members (smallfries, juniors and adults, male and female) and to DYC registered Boats.
A.3 Any DYC Member, complying with Monthly Mug Rules as per Rules in paragraph A. and with DYC General Rules as per
Rules in paragraphs 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8. (see below), can join at any time, by filling the catch and full details on the Fishing
Section Book.
A.4 The Prizes will be as follows:
Best Angler of the Month. Channel Area
Best Junior of the Month (Anyone less than 17 years of age). Channel Area
Best Lady of the Month. Channel Area
Best Boat of the Month. Channel Area
Best Angler of the Month. Latham Area
Best Boat of the Month. Latham Area
Monthly Mug Competition
A.5 The Fish Points will be as follows:
Billfish 2 points/kg
All other IGFA species 1 point/kg
Club Records 50 points
World Record 150 points
Release Points
The following amounts in kg’s will be awarded for billfish properly released:
Sailfish - 25 kg
Black Marlin - 100 kg
Blue Marlin - 100 kg
Striped Marlin - 60 kg
Broadbill - 20 kg
Spearfish - 15 kg
Valid Days
Monthly Mug Competition
A.6 Only week-ends and public Holidays will be considered for the Monthly Mug Points
out of which, only one day a month (Each Anglers' best day and each Boats' best day) will be considered for the Monthly Mug Points.
A.7 All Skippers or Anglers must sign in their boat on the boat Register Log, up in the Bosun's Office, prior to every exit,
or their catch will not be considered valid.
A.8 All Skippers or Anglers must sign out their boat on the boat Register Log, up in the Bosun's Office, after every return.
A.9 If boats are going out for more than 1 day but within the week-end or Public Holiday, their 24 hr day will be calculated
starting from the moment they left the docks. In which case, if they remain out at sea for more than 24 hrs, their catch
and points will be divided by two.
Monthly Mug Competition
A.10 All catches should be properly filled in the register book and comply with the Monthly Mug Rules as per Rules in
paragraph A. and with DYC General Rules as per Rules in paragraphs 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8. (see below).
B. Angler of the Year and Boat of the Year Competition
B. Angler of the Year and Boat of the Year Competition
Re: Monthly Mug Points
B.1 The Competition starts on 01 Jan 2013 00h00 and ends on 31 Dec 2013 24h00.
B.2 This Competition is open only to DYC Full Members (smallfries, juniors and adults, male and female) and to DYC
registered Boats.
B.3 The Prizes will be as follows:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Best Angler of the Year. Channel Area
Best Junior of the Year (Anyone less than 17 years of age). Channel Area
Best Lady of the Year. Channel Area
Best Boat of the Year. Channel Area
Best Angler of the Year. Latham Area
Best Boat of the Year. Latham Area
B.4 All Participants must fully comply with the Rules of the Monthly Mug Competition as per paragraph A., therefore only
one day a month (Each
Anglers' best day of the month, each boat's best day of the month) will be considered for this Competition.
B.5 The one who has collected the most points by the end of the year, wins the Angler/Boat of the Year
Competition by category.
C. General Monthly Fishing Competition
C. General Monthly Fishing Competitions
C.1 Approximately One Every Month. Usually run on Saturday and or Sunday.
C.2 The rules of such competition might change per each time according to the desires of the fishing communities, fish
seasons, others.
C.3 Usually DYC members and their guests can take part in these Fishing Competitions. Details will be given in the Rules of
each Competition.
C.4 Per each Competition, participants must pre-register their names on the Competition Sign Up Sheet on the Fishing Section Board which is located at
the entrance of DYC's Quarter Deck Area.
D. Biggest Fish of the Year Competition
D. Biggest Fish of the Year
Biggest Fish in Kg
D.1 This Competition is open only to DYC Full Members (smallfries, juniors and adults, male and female) and to DYC registered Boats.
D.2 The Competition starts on 01 Jan 2013 00h00 and ends on 31 Dec 2013 24h00.
D.3 Biggest Fish of the Year 2013 in kilos. Any days of the year are valid for this Competition.
D.4 Biggest fish overall (of any IGFA recognized species)
D.5 Biggest Marlin.
D.6 Biggest Sailfish.
D.7 Biggest Yellowfin Tuna.
D.8 Biggest Wahoo.
D.9 Biggest King Mackerel.
D.10 Biggest Giant Trevally
D.11 Biggest Dorado.
D.12 All Participants must fully comply with Fishing Section Rules as per below paragraphs 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 8.
J. Sponsorship Guidelines
J. Sponsorship
Anyone interested in Sponsoring any of the above mentioned Competition or their prizes or simply a small part of
their prizes, or anyone interested in launching a completely new Competition, please contact our Fishing Secretary or our
Rear Commodore Power.
You can also view our "Sponsorship Guidelines and Opportunities at
For further information, please contact our Fishing Secretary at 0768 711940 or our Rear Commodore Power at 0754 380942.
General Fishing Section Rules
1. Fishing Rules
1.1 Only fish caught in accordance with IGFA Rules will be considered valid for any competition, therefore any IGFA
recognized angling technique may be used, (unless specified otherwise).
1.2 At the same time each catch must comply with DYC Fishing Section Rules as specified in the rules of that specific
Competition where the catch has been entered.
1.3 All boats should be registered in Tanzania and they should have a valid Fishing License.
1.4 All Anglers should have a valid Fishing License.
1.5 All juniors must be fishing with an adult (ie someone over 18 years of age).
1.6 All juniors' parents must pre-sign an indemnity form for each DYC Fishing competition/event where their kid is partaking.
Alternatively, an Indemnity Form which includes all Fishing Section Competitions/Events of the current Year could be
signed. Please ask to DYC Fishing Secretary if interested in this option.
2. Definitions
2.1 Day A day is considered to be 24 hrs starting at 00h00 and ending at 24h00 (unless specified otherwise).
2.2 Week-end A week-end is deemed to commence on Saturday 00h00 and end on Sunday 24h00.
2.3 Year The year starts at 1 January 2013 at 00h00 and ends on the 31st December 2013 at 24h00.
2.4 Public Holiday A day is considered Tanzanian Public Holiday as published by the Association of Tanzania
Employers or subject to Government clarification and it is considered to commence at 00h00 and end at 24h00 of the same
2.5 Channel Area is considered all that area which extends in a radius of 27 nautical miles from DYC "Club Inner".
2.6 Latham Area is considered all that area which extends beyond the Channel Area.
3. Released Billfish
Released Billfish
3.1 The release of each Billfish should be documented with a dated/timed photograph/video of the
actual fish being billed or tagged near the boat, with a clear snap shot of the hook/rig inside
the fish while still in the water and the hand of the wireman on the trace, and a
clear snap shot of the fish de-hooked, next to the boat and swimming away.
3.2 In the photograph/video, next to the fish, the ID Card provided by the Fishing Committee, should be clearly visible.
3.3 Every boat must notify the nearest boat (if any) as soon as they are hooked up with a Billfish.
3.4 All Pictures/video must be validated by DYC Fishing Secretary upon arrival to the docks and sent to the Fishing Section
Committee, or the release point will not be counted .
4. Weighing of Fish
4.1 All fish must be tagged or fin marked with the tag/mark of each respective angler or they will not be considered valid.
4.2 All tagged/fin marked fish MUST be weighed with DYC Certified Scales and
by DYC Fishing Secretary only or by the Weigh Master appointed by DYC Fishing Secretary for this purpose or they will not
be considered valid for the Competitions.
4.3 Only the Weigh Master put in charge by the Fishing Secretary, should handle the scales.
4.4 If this is not possible because of late/early hours, the fish should be stored in the cold room and wait to be weighed at the
arrival of the Weigh Master in charge.
5. Fish Register
5.1 There are two Fish Registers, one for the Channel Area and one for the Latham Area. These books are
available at the Lured Inn (ask to the Bosun or to FS Committee Member).
5.2 All Anglers must enter their catch and full details requested, in the Fish Register of pertinence.
5.3 All details entered in the Fish Register Book must be filled in properly and signed off by Fishing
Section weight master on that specific day.
5.4 Any missing data, dates or signature will void the sheet and the catch will not be recognized for competitions.
6. Protest
6.1 Any protest must be made in writing to the Fishing Secretary and Fishing Section Committee only, within one hour from the start of
the dispute, unless specified otherwise (see rule 6.2).
6.2 Any Protest related to any General Monthly Fishing Competition (as per Paragraph C.) must be made in writing to the
Fishing Secretary and Fishing Section Committee only, within one hour from the finish time of that specific General Monthly Fishing
6.3 No protest will be taken into consideration after these times (see rule 6.1 and rule 6.2).
6.4 Protest fee: 100,000 Tshs, refundable if the protest is found valid. (All fees and penalties will go to the Fishing Section).
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7. Records
7.1 For Club Records, the scales should always be handled by the Weigh Master put in charge by the Fishing
Secretary or by the Fishing Secretary, or by Tanzanian IGFA Representative.
7.2 Fishing Section Committee must be present to witness the weighing of a potential DYC Club Record.
7.3 If not possible weighing the fish as per above rules 7.1 and 7.2 because of late/early hours, please
place your fish in the cold room and wait for the arrival of the above mentioned persons.
7.4 The fish should be caught under IGFA Rules.
7.5 A Record form should be filled in with all the data requested.
You can find the Record Form inside the wooden Box which is located inside the Lured Inn Store. (Please ask to the
7.6 Some picture of the fish hanging from the scale and with no people or anglers touching the fish should be taken and
given to the Fishing Secretary, together with the Record form properly filled in.
7.7 DYC Fishing Section keep the data of all the Records achieved by our Club Members and their Guests while fishing from
Following are the different classification:
Man, Lady and Junior, per each line poundage, per each type of fish.
7.8 The newly achieved records, will be updated onto the Record Board,/Boards approximately three times a year.
Potential World Record
7.9 For any potential World Record please contact the Tanzanian IGFA representative and/or the IGFA Certified Scale.
You can find their contact number on the notice board at the Lured Inn.
7.10 IGFA Representative should be present (if possible) to witness the weighing of a potential World Record.
7.11 An IGFA Certified Scales should be used to weigh the potential World Record.
8. Flag Policy
8.1 Flags can be flown from a boat's outriggers, center riggers, etc.. To show the catch of that boat for that specific day (and
they are not accumulative) or outing ONLY (Overnight trip without coming back to any dock).
8.2 Release flags should be flown above the flags of fish that have been tagged and released or simply released.
8.3 Flags shall not be flown for more than 5 days of last trip and must be taken down before next outing.
8.4 Flags' Colors:
Red Flag Sailfish
Black Flag Black Marlin
Blue Flag Blue Marlin
Green Flag Striped Marlin
Orange/White Flag Broadbill Swordfish
Yellow Flag Shark
White Flag Any other fish of any size other than Billfish and Shark
Red Triangular with white T or R
Release Flag indicating fish has been released: Normally flown over the colored flag of the fish which has been released
Rules |
9. Rules
9.1 These Rules are valid for the whole year 2013.
9.2 The Substantial Competing Rules may be changed only on request of DYC Fishing Section Participants by voting during a
Special Fishing Section Meeting. This Meeting will be open to all DYC Fishing Section Active Participants only.
9.3 The Sponsors' names, the winning Prizes, Competition's Programs and other New Competitions, corrections of eventual
spelling mistakes or re-phrasing of a sentence in order to make it more clear, can be done by DYC Fishing Secretary.
General Fishing Section Guidelines
10. Fishing Areas
From DYC
From the Dar es Salaam Yacht Club we fish mainly two areas: The South Zanzibar Channel and Latham Island.
The South Zanzibar Channel encompasses the area from the DYC gap, up to South Zanzibar, Bedford and Kizimkazi
(on the North) and Ras Kimbiji (South Coast) on the South.
Latham is a small uninhabited island approximately 42 nautical miles from DYC, the island is possibly 300 mt wide, with a nice platform and reef which surrounds it.
It does not offer any shelter, nor a good anchorage, and it is possible to anchor there only during calm weather.
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11. Safety at sea
For safety reasons, even if you are not competing in any of the above mentioned Competitions, before any trip out at sea,
you are requested to sign your boat out on the Sign out Boats Register which is up near the Bosun's Office at the top
of the ramp.
On the Sign out Form, please specify the area of your destination, the expected time of return and amount of people
on board.
Boats owner failing to sign out their boats will be fined.
If after the expected time of return, a boat has not made its way back to DYC, DYC will remain on watch and will try
to contact you and if for any reason DYC will feel that you might be in distress; DYC will try and send a rescue
boat in your search.
Any rescue operation will be at the charge of the boat’s owner.
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12. Radio Coverage
In order to communicate with DYC please tune your radio to Channel 9.
South Zanzibar Channel.
You will have radio coverage almost anywhere in the South Zanzibar Channel as well as telephone coverage.
Latham Island.
From Latham Island it will not be possible to communicate with DYC through the radio.
At Latham Island there is no telephone coverage.
Telephone coverage will starts approximately 8 to 10 nautical miles from Latham Island if you use Vodacom, and
approximately 15 nm if you use Airtel.
For safety reasons we advise every fisherman to carry a satellite phone.
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13. Fishing Section Duties
The Fishing Section is run by the Fishing Secretary but under the supervision of the Rear Commodore Power.
1) Work in co-ordination with the Rear Commodore Power.
2) It is the Duty of the Fishing Secretary to inform and consult the Rear Commodore Power about Fishing Section matters.
Most anglers go fishing on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, but also during the week.
1) Be present at the weigh in.
2) Follow the weigh in every Saturday and Sunday or week days.
3) Make sure that there is always a weigh master present.
4) Make sure that the scales are properly charged and in good working conditions.
5) Make sure that the catches entry registers are available and in good condition.
6) Make sure that the catches data are properly entered in the entry register.
7) Be present as much as possible in order to witness the catches and in case witness Club records and inspect data
provided by the anglers for Club records or for flag release.
8) Update the Club Record boards.
9) Be aware in general of every catch made during the whole week and during the whole month in order to write a
report for Kaskazi at the end of each month.
1) Be present at the return of the boats after a fishing day, in order to witness the catches or to witness the
pictures for every release flag.
2) dated/timed stamped pictures have to be shown directly from the digital camera.
1) Make sure that there is enough fish for next BBQ.
2) Follow the workers.
3) Follow the chits and that members sign up properly.
4) Follow up the amount of chits for every BBQ and the expenses in general.
5) Follow with the office the payments for the fish provided for the fish BBQ.
6) Make sure that there is always an area available near the gantry for anglers and fish trolley.
7) Follow the expenditures in general.
8) Control when cutting the fish for the BBQ, that workers do not take advantage.
1) Announce competitions or events, through e-mail shoots, notices and sign up sheets.
2) Prepare all the documents needed to be consigned during the Briefing (Release cards, Weigh Sheet, Rules, Indemnity Forms).
3) Make sure that the Lured Inn has been cleaned for the event, that the scale is charged, that there are enough dinghies,
that there is a designated weigh master, organize the competition/event, prizes, certificates, rules, sponsors, workers, etc.
4) Calculate the results of each monthly and annual competition.
5) Announce the results of each competition through Kaskazi, notices, web site, Face Book page.
1) Try and find Sponsors for events, prizes, certificates, etc..
1) Always announce meetings, through e-mail shoots to the Rear Commodore Power, to the Flag Officers and to each
Fishing Section Committee of pertinence.
2) Prepare the minutes and send them to the Rear Commodore Power for overview or eventual corrections.
3) After corrections, send the minutes to each Fishing Section Committee of pertinence.
1) Every month a fishing section report has to be written and it should report the following data:
- The catches in general during the whole month in both areas, Channel and Latham.
- Relevant fishes caught in both areas. - Best catches. - Results of fishing Competitions.
- Announce coming competitions.
1) Mantain up to date Fishing Section Web site with all details, programs, next events, competition results, pictures,
LURED INN 1) Follow the Lured Inn area in general and maintain it in good condition.
SCALES 1) Every scale has to be calibrated every year as a minimum.
2) Make sure that the scale is properly stored and locked up after every use.
3) Make sure that only the weigh master uses the scale.
4) Make sure that the scale is properly charged.
1) Every day, make sure that it is working and in good condition.
2) Make sure that the fish is properly stored in there and that people and workers are not abusing it, for their
personal use.
3) Make sure that fish does not get stolen.
4) Make sure that the key is not given away to others.
5) Make sure that it is locked after every use.
6) Make sure that workers access the first section only. In order to access the second section, you or the bosom
should be always present.
Fishing Knots
Line to line
Fishing Section Comp. Rules
General Fishing Information