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Fishing Section Dar es Salaam Yacht Club




Nov Release



Billfish Released – 3 new photos

Nov 08




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Nov 20


Released Billfish 3 Sailfish Nov 08

Fish: Sailfish

Q.ty: 3

Boat: Miss Linda (Skipper Jasper Samaras)

Tag no.: 230758

Tag no.: 230752

Tag no.: 230757Alexiou

Angler: Brett

Angler: Jason Alexiou

Angler: Ali

Date: November 2008







Club Record of this month – 3 new photos

Nov 08



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Nov 16


Lady Record Sailfish 80 lbs line Nov 08

Fish: Sailfish

Weight: 24.0 kg

Line: 80 lbs

Angler: Anet Rheeder

Date: 16 November 2008


Nov 16


Junior Record Sailfish 30 lbs line Nov 08

Fish: Sailfish

Weight: 19.5 kg

Line: 80 lbs

Angler: Daniel Bowers

Date: 16 November 2008


Nov 22


Junior Record King Mackerel 80 lbs line Nov 08

Fish: King Mackerel

Weight: 4.2 kg

Line: 80 lbs

Angler: Matt Olivier

Date: 22 November 2008





Billfish Catch – 6 new photos

Nov 08




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Nov 20


Best Billfish Catch 7 Sailfish in a day

Boat: Miss Linda (Skipper Jasper Samaras)

Skipper: Jasper Samaras

Angler: Brett

Angler: Jason Alexiou

Angler: Ali

Date: November 2008

Area: Channel


Nov catches



Other Catches – 6 new photos

Nov 08




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Best Ch


Best Catch Channel in a day

Boat: --(Skipper --)

Skipper: --

Angler: --

Angler: --

Angler: --

Date: November 2008

Area: Channel


Best Lth


Best Catch Latham in a day

Boat: --(Skipper --)

Skipper: --

Angler: --

Angler: --

Angler: --

Date: November 2008

Area: Channel


Ch Catch


November Catches Channel from the "Kaskazi"

The month of November offered some good fishing and very good weather with flat seas and little winds. There was some heavy rain, which was welcome by most people, since the days were getting really still and hot.

The beginning of the month saw a big run of Dorado, especially in the Channel area with many boats catching a good number and nice sizes.
Tuna were around as well in large numbers and some good ones were seen but not many boats managed to catch them because they were extremely shy due to the fact that they get harassed daily by the local “dynamiters”.
The biggest Yellowfin Tuna caught in the Channel was a 20.6 kg fish caught by Ali on Maridadi (skip. Jasper).
There was a very large run of Sailfish as well, with bigger fish than usual, averaging between 28/30 kg and many anglers caught their first Sailfish ever:
James Redfern caught his first Sailfish which was the biggest Sailfish of the month weighing 38.8 kg..Well done James!
Several Juniors ventured out with their little boats, Two Juniors caught their first Sailfish as well with Daniel Bowers catching a 19.5 kg on 80 lbs (Junior Club Record on 80 lbs line) on Rose Budd (Skip: Alistair Gibson).
Stefano Gianola caught a 25.5 kg Sailfish on 30 lbs line (Junior Club Record on 30 lbs) on Sea Gull (Skip: Matt Oliver).
Anet Rheeder caught her first Sailfish as well with a nice fish of 24 kg on 80 lbs (Lady Club Record on 80 lbs).
Many more Sailfish were caught during the month by other boats, Trini II, Wild Cat, Pollyanna, Maridadi and Skabanga.
Several good Wahoo have been caught amongst the Sailfish with the biggest one of the month being a 26.7 kg caught on Pollyanna.
The best Sailfish catch of the month was on Miss Linda, (skip: Japser) with 7 Sailfish caught in one day and some of them were successfully tagged and released.
The best catch of the month was Miss Linda with 132. 4 kg of fish plus 3 released Sailfish. Well done Jasper, Brett, Jason, Ali


Lth Catch


November Catches Latham from the "Kaskazi"

Only two boats went to Latham.
The pelagic fishing is almost at its end, the larger size Yellowfin Tuna have already moved out and only the small ones are still present in small numbers.
Also the Wahoo seems to have moved out with very few being caught, in contrary the reef fishing was very good offering many large size Giant Trevallies, almost all averaging between 35 to 45 kg,. 6 gts over 40 kg were caught (Pollyanna), The biggest one was a 46 kg Giant Trevally caught by George van Wyk on Pollyanna (Skip: Mady).
Quite a few Dogtooth Tuna were caught, mainly averaging between 40 and 50 kg (Pollyanna Skip: Maddalena Martinengo).
Frans on Mistress (skip Eric Rausher) managed to catch a lovely 99.5 kg fish on 130 lbs line. The fish was caught on a bait.and it is the biggest Dogtooth Tuna, landed on their boats by the team Frans, Eric. Well done guys!

Three Broadbill were caught as well on the way/return from Latham this month, two on Pollyanna, one on Mistress. (all averaging between 25 and 30 kg). The biggest one was a 33.0 kg fish caught by Frans on Mistress (skip Eric).
The best catch at Latham this month was on Pollyanna with 363.5 kg of fish in a day.


Nov 27


World Record Dogtooth Tuna Nov 08

There was an older catch of a Dogtooth Tuna of 100.50 kg which was caught by Benwad Twalibu on Kelly II (skip Maddalena Martinengo and Jason Alexiou) which has just been approved by IGFA for the Dogtooth Tuna World Record on 80 lbs line and it is the 7th Dogtooth Tuna World Record achieved by the boats fishing from DYC.






Fishing Section Committee


DYC Fishing Secretary:

Maddalena Martinengo:


DYC Fishing Secretary

Maddalena Martinengo


DYC Commodore

Spiros Manoloudis


DYC Vice Commodore

Vic Coppard


DYC Rear Commodore Power

Jason Alexiou


Sub Committee Member

Dana Bekker

Johann Rheeder

Anet Rheeder

Piet De Lange

Phil Rollinson

John Ballarin



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Lured Inn Fish BBQ